5 Quick and Easy Ways to Clear Out your Wardrobe

We've all had that moment when we stare hopelessly at a wardrobe crammed full of clothes, but have 'nothing to wear'. I like to call it a Wardrobe Full Of Nothing. When this disheartening realisation occurs, one must clear out said closet. I wanted to show you some simple ways of disposing of unwanted clothes, rather than going for the not very sustainable 'chucking them in the bin' method!

1. Host a Clothes Swap with friends
My gal pals and I started a closed group on Facebook where we can post pictures of our unwanted clothes and pass them on to people that will fit or suit them better! All free, and we've all been able to find items that happily replace our old rags! You could even host a clothes swap party!

2. Good Old-fashioned Recycling
I guarantee you live closer than you think to a clothing recycling bank! Look out for the big drop boxes in supermarket car parks, community areas or tips, and dump your clothes and shoes in there so they can be recycled or donated.

3. Charity Shop Drop
Make like Macklemore and head to your local thrift shop. Charity shop volunteers are always grateful for large clothing donations (trust me I was one!).

4. Make Do and Mend
Why re-cycle when you can up-cycle? Even if you aren't a sewing machine master, simple tweaks can turn old clothing new again. This picture shows me in an oversized. denim dress I bought vintage in a size 18, that I simply cut and sewed into a much more flattering, short, fitted dress. You could also turn old dresses into tote bags, stuff cushions with old tights or cut old jeans into hot pants.

5. Look out for special events
In September I posted about the Misty Mountain Swop Shop; a fantastic clothes exchange project, which travels around the country so keep your eyes peeled! Many universities and colleges also host clothes swap events, and shops like H&M and M&S often reward donators of unwanted clothing with discount vouchers. If you have any designer clothes or special items, vintage fashion traders are always on the hunt for unique clothing too!


Ethical FashionRuth MacGilp