An Ode to Hope Street Magazine

The fourth and final instalment in my 'Odes' Series, this post is dedicated to Hope St Magazine, a contemporary Glagoow-based independent fashion magazine creatively directed by renowned make-up artist and entrepreneur Sara Hill.

My favourite online feature of Hope Street is I-AM, a section dedicated to exploring the lives of creative visionaries, from Amelia Vivash to Anderson Paak (Malibu is my current most-listened to album on Spotify). I love that Hope St authentically includes not those public figures that are simply in the zeitgeist for the purpose of celebrity, but real emerging talents with a true voice. 

As much as it is wonderful to be able to download a digital magazine and read it on mobile (with the latest issue Hope St only £3.50), I believe that there is nothing nicer than a solid print issue to physically flick through. When it comes to the print version of this biannual fashion journal, the editorials are simply stunning on silk paper; the colours really pop. Hope St has an incredible reach, with stockists all over the world and an impress circulation despite its humble roots in Glasgow. It just goes to show that the Scottish fashion industry is growing beyond its roots and spreading its influence globally as well as locally.

"Hope St is an inde­pend­ent fash­ion and cul­ture magazine that wishes to tran­scend the con­fines of a tra­di­tion­al fash­ion pub­lic­a­tion. We will heighten the mind while pleas­ing the eye with our rich visu­al aes­thet­ic and our strong edit­or­i­al voice. Cel­eb­rat­ing the estab­lished and high­light­ing the new, we will com­bine lux­ury with an anarch­ic spir­it cre­at­ing the most innov­at­ive fash­ion and cul­ture pub­lic­a­tion world­wide. Nev­er one to take itself too ser­i­ously, hope st will edu­cate with our tongues firmly planted in our cheek. 

Cel­eb­rat­ing the unique -- and even uncon­ven­tion­al -- we merge the worlds of youth and street cul­ture with high-end lux­ury brands. Seek­ing cre­at­ive innov­a­tion and authen­ti­city, hope st will strive to inspire, pro­voke, excite and refresh. With a pas­sion for show­cas­ing the unseen and the undone we hope to encour­age a cross-cul­tur­al dis­course. Through our power­ful and invent­ive edit­or­i­al con­tent we aim to stim­u­late our read­ers, and with an obses­sion to nur­ture our dynam­ic ideas we wish to cre­ate an indis­pens­able style guide as well and an excit­ing cul­tur­al ref­er­ence. Our mob of excep­tion­al hopest con­trib­ut­ors are some of the most innov­at­ive in the industry, aim­ing to provide our loy­al read­ers with our hon­est and inspir­a­tion­al visu­al storytelling and illu­min­at­ing writ­ten con­tent."